Friday, November 23, 2007
So the exams has ended and i kissed formal schooling goodbye.
Finally no stress and worries on how difficult the exam would be but why am i not as happy as i thought i would be?
I had my holidays planned with gazillion things in mind but somehow, things don't always work out the way I want to. urgh.
The feeling of being so inadequate with zero work experience. I don't know why i just not looking forward towards it.
I also kind of hate the time when i wanna spend money and think of it in terms of WORKING HOURS. i really dont want that. I just wanna be young and be a student, doing all the crazy things we all always do and not having to feel embarrassed.
And i really scared if my working collegues would not like me! What if i'm like ostracised? ahhhhhh.
i wish i were still studying.
somehow being grownup is overrated.
6:58 AM