Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Life is so sad. Everyday i'm stuck at home doing chemistry. How fun. But HEY! At least i can answer questions now (:
Going to the night safari with the girls and amisha's little bro later (:
Soymilk retreat on sat, hope i can go..
And i really miss shopping. Oh well, shall catch up on that when i go to Hong Kong.
Whahahaa okay i think that's all i can come up with for now. Tata!
11:00 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
So cute can! Hahaha and isn't it like so ah-dor-a-ble to have a lampshade on his head! Hahahaa and his singing along in the car too.
Looking at him makes me wish i were a kid again.
6:42 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Everything is terrible today.
i) I can't log into intranet. And i really wanted to do that econs thing.
ii) I have a stuffy nose. I feel like sneezing but i can't sneeze.
iii) Mum is screaming and shouting.
iv) The kids are fighting.
solutions? I can't think of any feasible ones right now. So this is all i can come up with.
i) darn it. i guess i'll have to do what amisha says.
ii) Nose job? maybe acupuncture to clear the sinuses
iii) make my house vacuum. Then all would be peaceful and quiet. Sound can't travel.
iv) fight with them. I realize they love hitting one another and so maybe i shall buy canes for them to hit one another. reverse psychology. hah. then they won't. Dad used to do this to kenneth and i when we were young. I thought that it was dumb. Now i know it works.
Hah but hey we weren't that bad kids. At least we loved our ah ma. Good thing daryl isn't here, or else if he hears what THAT KID said to and about ah ma, he'll probably explode.
Nicholas is in south africa. I wanna go too. He smsed me last night saying he was on his way to south africa. I didn't believe. That lucky ducky. Get to go to the exotic countries. I wanna go to madagascar.
7:31 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Felicia graciously made me to this quiz. Okay it's like totally lame but what else do u expect from her? HAAHAAHAA. Here goes...
1. Attached or single: SINGLE (:
2. Have a pet? : NO WAY. I DON'T LIKE ANIMALS.
3. Love your parents? : Yes
4. Like thunderstorms? : HAHA. I almost got a heart attack from a thunderstorm at night and i went to school pale faced the next day. What do u think?
5. Ghosts/Horror Movies? : No. Man i hate this quiz.
6. Shopping or pedicure? : SHOPPING!
7. Black or white tee? : black
8. have a handphone? : no. DUH YES.
9. Mp3/mp4/ipod?: ipod mini in a horrible blue.
10. Have a teevee in ur room? : no. i wish i had one though. with cable teevee!
11. Have a computer that belong to you?: brother and i share 2 laptops. but none belongs to us.
12. Have a sibling? : yes. i think my blog says enough abt him.
13. Have msn? : yes.
14. advice friends? : haha sometimes. they accept it or they laugh. hahahha.
15. have your own room? : yeah
16. have ur own disc? : this quiz is so dumb.
17. go out with friends before? : no. mum wants me to come home everyday after school. DUH YES.
18. Like to take neoprints? : if i'm not feeling hideous that day
19. Love to design stuff? : in my mind
20. Love your friends? : YES. DUH YES.
21. Love ur stead? : hah. i don't have one now. even if i did, i wouldn't love that person.
22. Have you done a pedicure before? : Man this is getting dumber.
23. Wash your face once a day?: no, more than that
24. Love to eat chocolate?: dark bittersweet ones
25. Been to other countries before? : yes
26. Have any disease or anything? : Not that i know of.
27. Love your family? : YES.
28. loves ur?: WHAT?
29. Like to watch incredible tales?: no. i'm scare myself to death.
30. Like to watch high school musical? : YES.
who to do this quiz: i shall be nice and not force anyone. this quiz is seriously dumb. hahaha
10:16 PM